Jul 11, 2024

Rain From Hurricane Beryl Benefit Soybeans in Eastern Corn Belt

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Weather for the soybeans last week was benign although a little more heat would be welcomed in the northwestern Corn Belt. Rainfall from Hurricane Beryl moved across the eastern Corn Belt this week bringing needed moisture for the soybean crop that is entering reproduction.

The 2024 U.S. soybeans are 34% blooming compared to 35% last year and 28% average. The soybeans are 9% setting pods compared to 8% last year and 5% average.

The condition of the soybean crop is above average with no threatening weather on the near-term horizon. The nationwide soybean yield was left unchanged this week at 52.0 bu/ac. The soybean yield is generally determined by the weather during the second half of July and the month of August and at least for now, the weather during July looks beneficial and the crop is heading in a positive direction.

The July WASDE report will be released on Friday, July 12th and for soybeans, they will probably use the June Planted numbers of 86.10 million planted acres and 85.26 million harvested acres with a nationwide yield of 52.0 bu/ac.